Contract Deployment
ACS0 - Contract Deployment Standard#
ACS0 manages contract deployment and updates.
Contracts using ACS0 need to implement these methods:
Method Name | Request | Response | Description |
DeploySystemSmartContract | acs0.SystemContractDeploymentInput | aelf.Address | Deploys a system smart contract and returns its address. |
DeploySmartContract | acs0.ContractDeploymentInput | aelf.Address | Deploys a smart contract and returns its address. |
UpdateSmartContract | acs0.ContractUpdateInput | aelf.Address | Updates a smart contract. |
ProposeNewContract | acs0.ContractDeploymentInput | aelf.Hash | Creates a proposal to deploy a new contract and returns its ID. |
ProposeContractCodeCheck | acs0.ContractCodeCheckInput | aelf.Hash | Creates a proposal to check contract code and returns its ID. |
ProposeUpdateContract | acs0.ContractUpdateInput | aelf.Hash | Creates a proposal to update a contract and returns its ID. |
ReleaseApprovedContract | acs0.ReleaseContractInput | google.protobuf.Empty | Releases an approved contract proposal. |
ReleaseCodeCheckedContract | acs0.ReleaseContractInput | google.protobuf.Empty | Releases a proposal that passed the code check. |
ValidateSystemContractAddress | acs0.ValidateSystemContractAddressInput | google.protobuf.Empty | Validates if the input system contract exists. |
SetContractProposerRequiredState | google.protobuf.BoolValue | google.protobuf.Empty | Sets contract deployment authority. |
CurrentContractSerialNumber | google.protobuf.Empty | google.protobuf.Int64Value | Gets the current serial number of the genesis contract. |
GetContractInfo | aelf.Address | acs0.ContractInfo | Gets information about a contract. |
GetContractAuthor | aelf.Address | aelf.Address | Gets the author of a contract. |
GetContractHash | aelf.Address | aelf.Hash | Gets the code hash of a contract by address. |
GetContractAddressByName | aelf.Hash | aelf.Address | Gets the address of a system contract by name. |
GetSmartContractRegistrationByAddress | aelf.Address | aelf.SmartContractRegistration | Gets the registration of a smart contract by address. |
GetSmartContractRegistrationByCodeHash | aelf.Hash | aelf.SmartContractRegistration | Gets the registration of a smart contract by code hash. |
DeployUserSmartContract | acs0.ContractDeploymentInput | acs0.DeployUserSmartContractOutput | Deploys a user smart contract and returns the contract code hash. |
UpdateUserSmartContract | acs0.ContractUpdateInput | google.protobuf.Empty | Updates a user smart contract. |
ReleaseApprovedUserSmartContract | acs0.ReleaseContractInput | google.protobuf.Empty | Releases a proposal that passed the code check. |
PerformDeployUserSmartContract | acs0.ContractDeploymentInput | aelf.Address | Deploys a user contract. |
PerformUpdateUserSmartContract | acs0.ContractUpdateInput | google.protobuf.Empty | Updates a user contract. |
SetContractAuthor | acs0.SetContractAuthorInput | google.protobuf.Empty | Sets the author of a contract. |
Field | Type | Description |
address | aelf.address | Contract code byte array. |
old_author | aelf.address | Contract code category (0: C#). |
Field | Type | Description |
code | bytes | Contract code byte array. |
proposed_contract_input_hash | aelf.Hash | Proposed contract ID. |
category | sint32 | Contract code category (0: C#). |
is_system_contract | bool | Is it a system contract? |
is_user_contract | bool | Is it a user contract? |
Field | Type | Description |
address | aelf.Address | Contract address. |
old_code_hash | aelf.Hash | Old contract code byte array. |
new_code_hash | aelf.Hash | New contract code byte array. |
version | int32 | Contract version. |
Field | Type | Description |
contract_input | bytes | Contract code byte array. |
is_contract_deployment | bool | Is the contract being deployed or updated? |
code_check_release_method | string | Method to call after code check (DeploySmartContract or UpdateSmartContract). |
proposed_contract_input_hash | aelf.Hash | Proposed contract ID. |
category | sint32 | Contract code category (0: C#). |
is_system_contract | bool | Is it a system contract? |
Field | Type | Description |
author | aelf.Address | Contract author. |
code_hash | aelf.Hash | Contract code hash. |
address | aelf.Address | Contract address. |
version | int32 | Contract version. |
name | aelf.Hash | Contract name (must be unique). |
contract_version | string | Contract version. |
Field | Type | Description |
category | sint32 | Contract code category (0: C#). |
code | bytes | Contract code byte array. |
Field | Type | Description |
code_hash | aelf.Hash | Deployed/updated contract code hash. |
Field | Type | Description |
serial_number | int64 | Contract serial number. |
author | aelf.Address | Contract author. |
category | sint32 | Contract code category (0: C#). |
code_hash | aelf.Hash | Contract code hash. |
is_system_contract | bool | Is it a system contract? |
version | int32 | Contract version. |
contract_version | string | Contract version. |
contract_type | string | Contract type. |
deployed_by | aelf.Address | Deployer address. |
deployed_on | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Deployment time. |
Field | Type | Description |
address | aelf.Address | Contract address. |
code | bytes | Contract code byte array. |
category | sint32 | Contract code category (0: C#). |
is_system_contract | bool | Is it a system contract? |
is_user_contract | bool | Is it a user contract? |
Field | Type | Description |
proposal_id | aelf.Hash | Proposal ID to be released. |
Field | Type | Description |
address | aelf.Address | Contract address. |
author | aelf.Address | New author address. |
Field | Type | Description |
category | sint32 | Contract code category (0: C#). |
code | bytes | Contract code byte array. |
name | aelf.Hash | Contract name (must be unique). |
Field | Type | Description |
system_contract_hash_name | aelf.Hash | Contract name hash. |
address | aelf.Address | Contract address. |
Field | Type | Description |
value | bytes | Address value in bytes. |
Field | Type | Description |
nodes | Hash | Leaf nodes. |
root | Hash | Root node hash. |
leaf_count | int32 | Number of leaf nodes. |
Field | Type | Description |
value | bytes | Hash value in bytes. |
Field | Type | Description |
address | Address | Contract address. |
name | string | Log event name. |
indexed | bytes | Indexed data for bloom filter. |
non_indexed | bytes | Non-indexed data. |
Field | Type | Description |
merkle_path_nodes | MerklePathNode | Merkle path nodes. |
Field | Type | Description |
hash | Hash | Node hash. |
is_left_child_node | bool | Is it a left child node? |
Field | Type | Description |
value | sint32 | Signed 32-bit integer value. |
Field | Type | Description |
value | sint64 | Signed 64-bit integer value. |
Field | Type | Description |
address | Address | Scope address (contract address). |
path | StatePath | Contract state path. |
Field | Type | Description |
category | sint32 | Contract code category (0: C#). |
code | bytes | Contract code byte array. |
code_hash | Hash | Contract code hash. |
is_system_contract | bool | Is it a system contract? |
version | int32 | Contract version. |
Field | Type | Description |
parts | string | State path parts. |
Field | Type | Description |
from | Address | Sender address. |
to | Address | Contract address. |
ref_block_number | int64 | Referenced block height. |
ref_block_prefix | bytes | Referenced block hash prefix. |
method_name | string | Smart contract method name. |
params | bytes | Smart contract method parameters. |
signature | bytes | Transaction signature. |
Field | Type | Description |
writes | TransactionExecutingStateSet.WritesEntry | Changed states. |
reads | TransactionExecutingStateSet.ReadsEntry | Read states. |
deletes | TransactionExecutingStateSet.DeletesEntry | Deleted states. |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | State key. |
value | bool | Deletion state (true/false). |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | State key. |
value | bool | Read state (true/false). |
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | State key. |
value | bytes | Written state value. |
Field | Type | Description |
transaction_id | Hash | Transaction ID. |
status | TransactionResultStatus | Transaction result status. |
logs | LogEvent | Log events. |
bloom | bytes | Bloom filter for logs. |
return_value | bytes | Transaction execution return value. |
block_number | int64 | Block height. |
block_hash | Hash | Block hash. |
error | string | Error message. |
Name | Value | Description |
NOT_EXISTED | Transaction result does not exist. | |
PENDING | 1 | Transaction in pool waiting to be packaged. |
FAILED | 2 | Transaction execution failed. |
MINED | 3 | Transaction successfully executed and packaged. |
CONFLICT | 4 | Conflicts with other transactions during parallel execution. |
PENDING_VALIDATION | 5 | Waiting for validation. |
NODE_VALIDATION_FAILED | 6 | Validation failed. |
ACS0 defines methods for contract deployment and updates. aelf provides the Genesis Contract as an implementation of ACS0.
Edited on: 15 July 2024 04:18:53 GMT+0