aelf C# Core
Builder type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.ServerServiceDefinition
Builder class for ServerServiceDefinition.
ctor() constructor#
Creates a new instance of builder.
AddMethod``2(method, handler) method#
Adds a definition for a single request - single response method.
This builder instance.
Name | Type | Description |
method | AElf.CSharp.Core.Method | The method. |
handler | AElf.CSharp.Core.UnaryServerMethod | The method handler. |
Build() method#
Creates an immutable ServerServiceDefinition from this builder.
The ServerServiceDefinition object.
EncodingHelper type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.Utils
Helper class for serializing strings.
EncodeUtf8(str) method#
Serializes a UTF-8 string to a byte array.
The serialized string.
Name | Type | Description |
str | System.String | The string to encode. |
IMethod type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
A non-generic representation of a remote method.
FullName property#
Gets the fully qualified name of the method. On the server side, methods are dispatched based on this name.
Name property#
Gets the unqualified name of the method.
ServiceName property#
Gets the name of the service to which this method belongs.
Type property#
Gets the type of the method.
Marshaller type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Encapsulates the logic for serializing and deserializing messages.
ctor(serializer, deserializer) constructor#
Initializes a new marshaller from simple serialize/deserialize functions.
Name | Type | Description |
serializer | System.Func | Function for serializing messages. |
deserializer | System.Func | Function for deserializing messages. |
Deserializer property#
Gets the deserializer function.
Serializer property#
Gets the serializer function.
Marshallers type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Utilities for creating marshallers.
StringMarshaller property#
Returns a marshaller for string type. Useful for testing.
Create() method#
Creates a marshaller from specified serializer and deserializer.
MethodType type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Constants for method types.
Action constants#
Indicates the method modifies the contract state.
View constants#
Indicates the method doesn't modify the contract state.
Method type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
A description of a remote method.
ctor(type, serviceName, name, requestMarshaller, responseMarshaller) constructor#
Initializes a new instance of the Method class.
Name | Type | Description |
type | AElf.CSharp.Core.Method | Type of method. |
serviceName | System.String | Name of service this method belongs to. |
name | System.String | Unqualified name of the method. |
requestMarshaller | AElf.CSharp.Core.Marshaller | Marshaller used for request messages. |
responseMarshaller | AElf.CSharp.Core.Marshaller | Marshaller used for response messages. |
FullName property#
Gets the fully qualified name of the method. On the server side, methods are dispatched based on this name.
Name property#
Gets the unqualified name of the method.
RequestMarshaller property#
Gets the marshaller used for request messages.
ResponseMarshaller property#
Gets the marshaller used for response messages.
ServiceName property#
Gets the name of the service to which this method belongs.
Type property#
Gets the type of the method.
GetFullName() method#
Gets the full name of the method including the service name.
Preconditions type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.Utils
Utilities for checking preconditions.
CheckNotNull(reference) method#
Throws ArgumentNullException if reference is null.
Name | Type | Description |
reference | Any | The reference. |
CheckNotNull(reference, paramName) method#
Throws ArgumentNullException if reference is null.
Name | Type | Description |
reference | Any | The reference. |
paramName | System.String | The parameter name. |
SafeMath type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Helper methods for safe math operations that explicitly check for overflow.
ServerServiceDefinition type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Stores mapping of methods to server call handlers. Normally, created by the BindService factory method.
BindService() method#
Forwards all the previously stored AddMethod calls to the service binder.
CreateBuilder() method#
Creates a new builder object for ServerServiceDefinition.
The builder object.
ServiceBinderBase type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Allows binding server-side method implementations in alternative serving stacks.
AddMethod(method, handler) method#
Adds a definition for a single request - single response method.
Name | Type | Description |
method | AElf.CSharp.Core.Method | The method. |
handler | AElf.CSharp.Core.UnaryServerMethod | The method handler. |
TimestampExtensions type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.Extension
Helper methods for dealing with protobuf timestamps.
AddDays(timestamp, days) method#
Adds a given amount of days to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
days | System.Int64 | The amount of days. |
AddHours(timestamp, hours) method#
Adds a given amount of hours to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
hours | System.Int64 | The amount of hours. |
AddMilliseconds(timestamp, milliseconds) method#
Adds a given amount of milliseconds to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
milliseconds | System.Int64 | The amount of milliseconds. |
AddMinutes(timestamp, minutes) method#
Adds a given amount of minutes to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
minutes | System.Int64 | The amount of minutes. |
AddSeconds(timestamp, seconds) method#
Adds a given amount of seconds to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
seconds | System.Int64 | The amount of seconds. |
Max(timestamp1, timestamp2) method#
Compares two timestamps and returns the greater one.
The greater timestamp.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp1 | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The first timestamp. |
timestamp2 | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The second timestamp. |
Milliseconds(duration) method#
Converts a protobuf duration to long.
The duration represented as a long.
Name | Type | Description |
duration | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Duration | The duration to convert. |
UnaryServerMethod type#
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Handler for a contract method.
Generic Types#
Name | Description |
TRequest | Request message type for this method |
TResponse | Response message type for this method |
Edited on: 16 July 2024 06:09:23 GMT+0